Similar behavior of Israel and U.S. against Iran’s hard revenge

TEHRAN - Following the Israeli operation against Syria’s T4 airbase, in which some Iranian military advisors were martyred, the forces of the axis of resistance attacked ten targets in the occupied territories in an unprecedented operation.
Israeli officials at the time stated that none of their troops were killed in the retaliatory action by the resistance movement, while detailed information reveals that about 60 Zionist regime’s forces were killed.
After the retaliatory operation by the forces of the resistance movement at 3:10 local time, CNN television channel reported that the casualties were significant. Only after ten minutes all radio and telecommunication networks and even the power of the targeted areas were cut off, then the Western media outlets insisted that there were no casualties by shifting their approach in all news fields.
To understand why such an approach was adopted the following statements should be considered.
1. The vow of retaliatory operation was fulfilled in a situation that the Zionist regime and its affiliated media outlets were trying to describe Iran’s claim about the “end of hit-and-run period” as a bluff and question the Iranian ability to take revenge.
2. This hard revenge revealed several facts for the Zionist regime, including Iran’s military capability and the will to use it against any aggression.
3. Benjamin Netanyahu, who had been in Sochi, Russia to meet Vladimir Putin at that time, sent a message by Russians declaring his lack of will to respond to the attack and calling for mediation to persuade Iran to halt its retaliatory attacks.
Reviewing the Israeli military and media reaction to the Iranian retaliatory response shows that the U.S. government has taken exactly the same approach in the early hours after a strong slap by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
The Americans, on the one hand, refuse to report the casualties of their troops or facilities in Ein Al-Assad base and even suspended the Israeli journalist’s Twitter account because of an unreliable tweet about the casualties, and on the other hand, they repeatedly claim that they have suffered no damage by the IRGC’s operation.
Meanwhile, Persian speaking mercenaries on social media are trying to derail public opinion inside the country about the broad and successful operation and portray the Iranian hard revenge as insignificant.
Interestingly, fake accounts on social media and opposition media outlets that circulated the huge lie of killing 1500 Iranian people in November events, said that the denial by Iran’s official resources is due to their desperation. Now, they confirm Trump’s claims over no damage of the attacks and believe that Iran should provide evidence for the success of its operation.
It should be noted that in both cases, the enemy was sure of Iran’s hard and destructive response. Putting troops in highest alert in various areas and bases by the enemy proves this claim.
However, the following points should be noted regarding the missile strikes on Wednesday morning on U.S. base in Iraq:
1. A country that they believe is at a lower military level in comparison with the U.S., could undermine the reputation of the world’s greatest military power by dealing a hard and surprising blow to one of the main American bases and destroying its ultra-modern equipment.
2. In the short term, there will not be possible to report exact statistics on casualties and equipment damages due to the lack of direct access to the target area, and what some sources announced is minimal and approximate numbers.
3. The most important event that can happen in the process of hard revenge following commander Soleimani's assassination is the withdrawal of the U.S. from the region, a matter that the Americans are well aware of its heavy cost.
4. Today, the American are faced with a dilemma. They have to release the exact number of casualties and resort to playing the innocent to remain in the region or continue their current game and witness their removal from the region.
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